Wednesday, 5 October 2022

Self-destruction by metaphysical assumptions - now a mandatory requirement for everyone in the world

Almost everybody (in the West especially) has painted himself into a corner by accepting a raft of basic assumptions about the world that are so nihilistic that they actually want to destroy themselves, their society - and everybody else in the world.


Indeed, Modern Man positively insists that everybody in the world must believe exactly as himself or else be annihilated; despite that his beliefs are visibly, with a crazed acceleration, destroying everything and on the cusp of creating the By Far greatest cataclysm the world has ever seen (simply because there are now far more people in a far more interconnected world than ever before). 

All these crazed, despairing, self-loathing, other-hating people! 

And what they want more than anything else is not an escape from the self-imposed end of everything that they personally value most; but instead that the whole world be compelled to share in their existential collapse! 

They seethe with resentment and hatred against anybody or any place that does not enthusiastically agree with their futile anti-system - a system of pure negation that explicitly denies any purpose or meaning in the universe, in life, in mankind, in anything... 

So insane is this, that although they claim to live only for pleasure and to avoid misery (i.e. some variant of the utilitarianism that forms the only 'moral' basis of the entire bureaucratic-media world of institutions, corporations, government and all the social functions); they nonetheless agree-with an ideology (and demand policies) that purposively and visibly is destroying pleasure and inflicting suffering - including on themselves! Now and more to come!

...Hedonists who insist on the elimination of pleasure; terrified of pain yet co-creating a world of mega-agony. 

All that is on the surface; and it is almost ubiquitous - therefore its cause must be deep and widespread. 

Its cause is metaphysical - which means at the level of people's primary assumptions concerning the nature of reality. 

It is these metaphysical assumptions that have driven the world into its current frenzy of self-hating, other-hating suicide - such that the main object of hatred is anyone, anyplace, any era, that dissents from the orgy of self-loathing nihilism. 

One thing people will Absolutely Not give-up is their metaphysical assumptions; such that reality necessarily has no meaning or purpose, there is no God, no soul, that death terminates existence, that everything happening is an accident of determinism and randomness. 

And even many of those who reject these above assumptions, nonetheless absolutely Insist on painting themselves into a corner with incoherent, self-contradicting assumptions about the nature of God, Evil and human freedom. 

And these religious people have much the same character as the nihilists - in that they rage against those who reject their immiserating, paralysing, futile, life-dissolving, future-denying doctrines. 

The one thing that nearly-everyone is way too demotivated, sophisticated, skeptical and other-obedient to accept; is that Jesus Christ came to bring us everlasting resurrected life in Heaven; and that to make this choice requires only that we personally do what is necessary to follow him on the path he made for us. 

That is what the world conspires to reject; at every possible level.