Sunday 15 January 2023

"The human sense of individuality has reached a peak" - William Wildblood

We are living at a time when the human sense of individuality has reached a peak. 

This is at once an opportunity, a test and a real danger. It is a danger in the sense that the consequences of a developed free will means our choices matter. 

In the past it may have been spiritually acceptable for our choices to be wrong if the culture in which we lived bent them that way. We were not regarded as so personally responsible because our individual sense of self had not been built up so much. 

Now we are responsible. The influences of the tribe, the culture, the society are no longer acceptable as extenuating circumstances. 

This also means that even believing the right thing is insufficient if that belief comes from outside. It must be personal, something we have reached through inner awareness.

From William Wildblood: Read the whole thing...

William's short post captures, in a compressed form, something of great importance I have often thought about myself.

I agree strongly with his point: In the past it may have been spiritually acceptable for our choices to be wrong if the culture in which we lived bent them that way... Now we are responsible. The influences of the tribe, the culture, the society are no longer acceptable as extenuating circumstances.   

Yet I see from all sides that many people cling to the assertion of their own irresponsibility; as if they were still children, or lived in the past when the relationship of Man and Society was different, and the two were less distinct. 

On the contrary: To make such a claim of non-responsibility is in fact incoherent. 

Anyone who can claim that he is not responsible is, by that fact, responsible - or else the distinction could not be formulated. 

(Only when someone lacks insight is he genuinely not-responsible; and then he could not claim it... Catch 22!

What is actually happening nowadays is a refusal to acknowledge actual responsibility. The individual chooses to pretend he has not made a decision that he has made - and thereby tries to give himself a private, and public, excuse - whereby he cannot be blamed. 

This usually happens because, in practice, the individual has chosen a cowardly course of submission to totalitarian evil in hope either of expedient personal advantage, or for fear of adverse consequences. 

Well, many of us lack courage - but it is the refusal to be honest with oneself that is so decisively self-damning; and leads to further sin by the habit of refusing the necessity to take responsibility and make individual discernments - even in the privacy of one's thoughts. 

It is this honesty with oneself and with God that matters ultimately; and which seems to be so lethally deficient in this time.    

1 comment:

Leo Aurini said...

I have been thinking much the same thing. It's something I've discussed on my livestreams, I suppose I ought to lay it out in detail on my blog. Specifically, how the astrological aeons relate to human spiritual development throughout history. The Aeons of Gemini (6000-4000 BC, writing, memory), Taurus (4000-2000BC, cult of the Bull, God Kings), Aries (2000-1, empires, steel), Pisces (1-2000, Christ and Antichrist, equality and science), to Aquarius - the water bearer who can contain both Christ (faith) and Antichrist (science, AI). It reflects a gradual spiritual awakening, not dissimilar to the moral and intellectual awakening of a child. We've reached a stage in history where we are like a teenager moving out of his parent's house for the first time. Will we fall into a bad crowd, and destroy ourselves through addiction? Will we abandon the dreams of childhood, and betray ourselves for boredom and money (ie due to technology war is far too dangerous for us to risk such a thing - yet we must not lose our heroic spirit)? And yes, so many people are retreating into the 'safety' of techno-slavery, or religious primitivism.

Neither are capable of addressing the moral challenges our species now faces. It's time for us to grow up.