Tuesday 29 August 2017

Why did God create people? A cognitive explanation

The main reason that God created people was related to love, the desire for children, the desire to raise up these children to (ultimately) full divinity to become co-creators...

But another sliver towards understanding 'why' is related to knowing, to the cognitive effects of creation. For Christians God is a person, a self - hence God has a specific perspective.

I think this is how Christians are supposed to conceptualise God - there is no real scriptural support for the idea of God as impersonal and universal in perspective: the Biblical God has a distinct point of view. Furthermore, this is endorsed (for me) by intuitive reflection - at any rate this is my starting point...

So - God has vast knowledge, vast power... but he has power and knowledge from a perspective. When Men were created, what ensued was a multitude of embryonic mini-gods, each with a perspective; and as theosis continues these persons become more divine.

So there are as many perspectives as their are Men (and angels) - and in some individuals these perspectives have been, and are, developing, evolving, increasing...

Therefore, creation has gone from a uni-perspectival universe (God only) to a multi-perspectival universe (as many perspectives as Men and angels) with each perspective becoming greater in scope and power and depth...

This is an overall increase in knowledge - but what binds these multiple perspectives? Well, they are not synthesised into one perspective (which would be self-defeating) - rather they cohere. What makes the multi-perspectives cohere? Well, that is love.

In sum, the totality of knowledge, of cognitive power, increases with time; but only via love. Love is (to reiterate earlier posts) therefore a metaphysical principle (not merely a feeling) - it is the principle of cohesion in reality.

Love is the principle by which multiple perspectives are harmonised, as a consequence of having the same aim, the same motivation.

And this applies to cognition, as well as to human affection.

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