Thursday 8 February 2018

My Bacon Number is 2 (via Pierce Brosnan...)

By the original criteria, my Bacon Number is infinite, since I have never acted in a movie; but inflation affects Bacon Numbers just as it does everything else - and the site now allows Bacon Number calculations for any medium featured on IMDB...


Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Also via John Cleese, which is much cooler!

Bruce Charlton said...

@WmJas - Indeed - but I never met any of these famous folk in 'real life' - my segments were filmed in the coffee room at my normal workplace and mostly used as voiceovers...

Perhaps the most famous person I properly met - sat down and talked with - was Melvyn Bragg; a highbrow TV and radio presenter (and author) who has been a ubiquitous, albeit niche, presence in the UK media for a very long time... probably more than 40 years.

This was more than 20 years ago, in relation to a regional 'arts' and culture' magazine called Northern Review, that I co-founded and edited (briefly). I was pleasantly surprised by his genuineness.

Bruce Charlton said...

Note added much later: Actually I met Boris Johnson, who is far ore famous than Melvyn Bragg.

I wonder why I forgot that? Since 2011 when I wrote the blog post, having met and talked-with BJ has becoming like, well, having met and had a friendly chat with some kind of second-rank 20th century dictator such as Mussoloni...

No, BJ is clearly worse than Musso. I guess the current batch of utterly-mediocre puppets-to-the-demons pseudo-leaders has no equivalent from world history.