Friday 2 February 2018

To refuse the divine destiny of Direct Christianity is (ultimately) to allow Leftism into your heart

Leftism insinuates where Direct Christianity fails to be chosen. When there is no direct link with Christ, then that is the way-in. This is how Leftism is now everywhere...

Because if all of a Christian's information/ knowledge and influences come at second-hand, in-directly, via institutions, writings, talking and practices... then each and all of these institutions, writings, talking and practices can be (already have been, and will continue to be) corrupted.

Corrupted, that is, by the usual infiltration, subversion and eventual inversion...

Only direct knowing of reality can - even in principle - combat and defeat ever-more-universal corruption.

(There seem to be two basic ways of directly knowing reality - by prayer for external revelation, or by mediation for revelation from God immanent. In practice these need not be distinct, but may be reciprocal, mutually reinforcing, or fuse to a single activity of meditative prayer.)