For me, this mortal life does not suffice. But what would?
Not reincarnation - because if one mortal life is not enough; then why should several suffice?
Not an endless continuation of this mortal life - because if this mortal life does not suffice, then why should its perpetuation?
...Even in paradise; because although 'the world' is a problem solved by eternal paradise, and so is mortality, the problem of myself remains. Me, even in paradise, would soon be hell.
But if what survives into post-mortal life is not me, then it is a substitution for me - so this is just a kind of death
(I myself would die, and be replaced by... someone/ some-thing else).
(This also applies to 'transhumanism' - if my humanity could transcended technologically, then it would not be me - I would not be there to 'enjoy' it.)
So... if post-mortal life is just me, perpetuated it would not suffice; yet if it is not me - then it amounts to death (which does not suffice).
Therefore; to suffice, what survives post-mortally needs to be a transformed continuation of me. For example, resurrection.
(Thus a partial definition of Heaven = a transformed continuation of me, living in paradise, among transformed continuations of other Men.)