Saturday 19 December 2020

The Nativity according to a Primary School in Grasmere, Lake Distict


You will enjoy this! It is a video made by some primary school kids in Grasmere, the Lake District (which is where William Wordsworth lived in Dove Cottage; and a place my family often visit). 

While the production values are somewhat higher than is usual in these things - the acting and singing ability is exactly as would be hoped-for and expected. 

Look out for Joseph's big scene with angel, where the young lad deserves a Victor Mature award for sensitive facial responsivity. And the baaing 'sheep' on the hills, especially the last and smallest - who clearly does not like walking through the mud. Plenty of local rural accents. 

As often happens, there are plenty of topical references and updating (a sure way of getting some laughs); but there is also some wonderful scenery, and an authentic farm (and farmer) where Jesus is born (the hotels all having been closed due to the birdemic). 

Another version :


Francis Berger said...

Utterly charming and delightful! I really enjoyed the dialogue. For example:

Passerby with horse: "Are you alright, Miss?"
Mary:"No, I need to get to Bethlehem, and I'm heavily pregnant."
Passerby with horse: "Would you like a ride on Umber?"
Mary: "Yes, please!"

Francis Berger said...

Ha! I've just noticed the horse is named Amber in the credits, not Umber.

Francis Berger said...

And Mary says Grasmere, not Bethlehem. Boy, my ear for the rural accents you refer to is shockingly poor.

I just watched this again with my wife and son, who enjoyed it thoroughly! Thanks for posting!

Joseph A. said...

Charming, indeed . . . though there's something unsettling about the children's whispering, worshiping chant. I thought of "The Empty Child" episode of Dr. Who -- where something as innocent as a little boy who was looking for his mother made a rather horrifying element -- given a few jarring twists (like the gas mask). Odd that children can come across so terrifying . . . perhaps it's their inherent other-worldliness . . . endearing when packaged in a weak, needy creature, but uncanny as a messenger of grown-up tidings, whether good or ill.

Aside from that tangential observation, this is very welcome and timely. I wish all Albion a very merry Christmas.