Tuesday 8 March 2022

Creation in mortal life compared with resurrected eternal life

I am becoming ever more convinced that we are called to a creative role in this mortal life; and indeed that anything less than such a calling will be insufficient to motivate Modern Man in 2022 to remain a Christian - so strong, pervasive and accelerating are the pressures to join with the side of purposive evil against God. 

(At any rate, I observe that even among those Christians who did not fall victim to the birdemic-peck agenda up to February 2022 - have been apostatizing by believing/joining/ being-motivated-by the daily ideological propaganda of the Satanic-led Establishment on almost a daily basis, over the past fortnight.)

Salvation (choosing to follow Jesus Christ) is, of course, our first concern - and then theosis, which is the necessity to become more divine by learning from our mortal lives and making the right choices. 

But neither one nor both of these seem to be sufficient to motivate individuals in a world where real Christians have been abandoned by their churches; and where their self-identified Christian churches are continually siding with the evil-Establishment in their demonic policies and strategies - and thereby trying to lead their members towards affiliation with the Enemy.

We need, I think, a lively sense of daily purpose - of what positively we are living for - and this is 'creativity' considered as the activity of adding to God's creative providence through our own personal choices and effort. 

'Adding' is key - because it is not enough merely to recognize and affirm divine truth; since this is not something which gives our own lives any personal significance. 

To be motivated we need to have a 'project' that adds to ongoing divine creation yet that only we can do. That really is something worth living for.  

But this mortal life is not the same as resurrected Heavenly life; and we cannot create now in the same way as we shall then. Understanding this is perhaps helpful in appreciating the scope and limitation of that necessary creativity which seems to be demanded of us now. 

If it could be assumed, as an analogy, that creation requires something-like energy if a creative thought needs to be manifested (made-into) something material that will be effective in this world; then we can ask where creative energies might come from. 

The answer is God. True human creation is by definition in harmony with God's ongoing (and primary) creating; and I think it may be assumed that when God recognizes basic human creativity - i.e. in thought - as contributing to the divine scheme; then the necessary energies will be provided to make that thought into something objective, general and perhaps material. 

In other words, when our individual creativity of thinking is in-line-with divine providence; then (in a multitude of ways) God's creation will operate to include such human creativity as an addition to the divine. 

Therefore, our creativity in this mortal life (which is, I assume, a relatively rare and temporary phenomenon; even in the life of a major genius) is dependent on God's creating, and cannot work without it. 

And ultimately this is because we live in a world of entropy, where order succumbs to disorder, where usable-energy is finite and declining, where life sooner or later loses to chaos; where all that has been created will pass away.

In this mortal world; energy must be added from externally to make or sustain any-thing. 

By contrast, when we are resurrected we enter the realm of eternity; which may be interpreted to mean that we are self-renewing and intrinsically (as sons and daughters of God) posses innate and inexhaustible divine energy.  

Therefore, as resurrected Men, as divine children of God, we ourselves can manifest our own creative thinking! 

Thinking itself becomes 'objective' and manifest creation - without the need for God's 'input'. 

If the analogy holds, then our mortal creativity is real and important - but secondary to God's 'energetic' support; while Christians may look-forward to a condition where we have made an eternal commitment to God, and can thereafter become god-like in our own creativity. 


Francis Berger said...

Much food for thought in this post.

"If it could be assumed, as an analogy, that creation requires something-like energy if a creative thought needs to be manifested (made-into) something material that will be effective in this world; then we can ask where creative energies might come from"

I am increasingly inclined to believe this energy comes from freedom, in the primary thinking sense of the term (innermost part of our thinking, divine self connected with the divine). If not, then freedom is the medium of "exchange" between the divine and the human. I'm not betting the house on it, but that is what where my thinking about this takes me at the moment.

Bruce Charlton said...

@Frank - I've tried a couple of times, but I don't understand you. Maybe the idea is not fully formed?

Francis Berger said...

@ Bruce - Yes, I don't have a clear grasp on it yet, but I'm trying to put it together, think out loud about it. I'll explore it a bit more. Anyway, this post is very helpful in this regard.

Bruce Charlton said...

Howard Ramsey Sutherland has left a comment:

"What of the situation when one who believes on Jesus Christ, has made the choice for God, and wants to contribute creatively finds such meagre wellsprings of creativity as he has entirely dried up (or so it seems)?"

I think the probable reason for this is related to a mistake - common in this era - whereby old people try to continue doing what they did when young. Whereas the basic task for the old is different. What it is exactly will depend on the individual - but this kind of 'drying up' is a sharp sign that we are 'barking up the wrong tree', and that avenue is being closed-off whether we like it or not.

It means there is *something else*, more important and urgent, that we ought to be doing - it may be 'obvious' but we are currently missing and neglecting it. Maybe (but not necessarily) something to do with the traditional preoccupations of the elderly: the past, the dead and our own death.

Also bearing in mind that real creativity is what comes from the 'primary thinking' of our true/ divine, selves - rather than from external productivity.