Tuesday 9 June 2020

How many Mars Bars does it take to buy The Lord of the Rings - when published versus now?

To find-out - go to my Notion Club Papers blog...


dearieme said...

"in the middle 1950s ... the price of a Mars Bar[was] 7d ..."

I know my memory is lousy but I think it was 5d. I'm pretty confident you got change from a tanner.

Maybe you grew up in an expensive part of the country?

Bruce Charlton said...

@d - I found the price on an online chart - and the FT article also showed a c20X inflation which seemed to confirm - but I wasn't terribly happy with its validity. But knowing that you are a mathematical kind of chap, and are probably correct, I will recalculate and modify the post.

dearieme said...

Perhaps I suffered short trousered trauma when the price rose from 4d to 5d. Or was it 3d to 4d?

P.S. It's not an affectation when I claim my memory is poor. It is true, however, that little items of childhood reminiscence are now popping back into my mind occasionally. I have even recently recalled the name of my Latin teacher, about whom I hadn't thought for more than half a century. Yet virtually all the Latin has gone. It's not really fair, is it?

Bruce Charlton said...

@d It's certainly an interesting phenomenon - this matter of the past coming to mind with vividness and striking detail. I get it myself, although 'only' early sixties. I seem to go from one 'era' to another, recalling some particular events or decisions. Whatever the biology; I regard it as a clue (from God) about what we ought to be Doing in our dying years.