And modern morality is built on Big Lies, reinforced by dishonesty and calculated misrepresentation at every level; as everybody knows who has even considered being truthful all the time about everything. Genuine honesty is not just blocked and threatened and punished; but actually regarded as evil in itself: as in the influential concept of a Hate Fact; i.e. something true but (by definition) only articulated by an evil person).
The ultimate modern 'evil' (at least this week...) is racism; which is now/ in practice/ officially 'defined' (i.e. actually used) in a way which is both dishonest and (obviously) evil; incoherent yet deployed with focused spite; motivated by resentment and destructive hatred against all that is genuinely Christian.
The corruption of modernity has proved to be so powerful as to sweep away or assimilate all alternatives excepting the personal (not church) Christianity 'of the heart' - which is itself, indirectly, a kind of evidence for the unique truth of (specifically) Christainty, and a strong clue to the proper nature of that Christianity.
So, although this really is the worst-of-times; it is also a time in which is is possible for us consciously to learn and know reality more exactly than any before; and therefore to make a deliberate choice in its favour.
In some ways I am grateful. In some ways this is the best of times...
Almost every day I receive clear reminders and convincing evidence of both the reality-of and the difference-between Good and evil. And the absence of God from public life means it is ever-more-obvious what is the source of Good.
So real that these days God genuinely seems almost 'objective', palpable, and pressing on my awareness - although of course invisible to nearly-all; denied, ridiculed, and ignored by nearly-all...
For me; it's probably easier to stay Christian now, and to keep the faith; than ever it would have been in the past.
Adapted from a comment here...