Monday 22 June 2020

Why do people of good-will continue to waste time and etc on mainstream politics, and elections?

My evidence: Boris and Trump - who are ostensible conservative-republicans. Supposedly our saviors from disaster.

Those who oppose the Left agenda were told that the last elections were vital to win - or else.  They were won...

But who could deny that exactly 'or else' has-happened, is-happening, and continues to get worse?  That The West is in a terrible, and terminal state? We are in the midst of the greatest disaster - politically, socially and spiritually - for centuries; and in scale, rapidity and unopposed effectiveness - the worst in the history of the world.

Actually-existing politics is a snare, a delusion, a time waster, a sin.

All mainstream politics Without Exception is 'controlled opposition': a football league 'contested' between teams all owned by the same consortium.

If you don't recognise this yet, then I don't see what possible evidence ever could possibly convince you...


Karl said...

Very few people oppose the left agenda completely. What litte opposition there is, is limited to isolated points of the left agenda and the few visible opponents often don't even agree on what points to oppose.

In my few, the electable opposition offers a "deal" of elect us and thereby oppose a detail of the leftist agenda, but agree on all the rest.

Bruce Charlton said...

@Karl - That's it - yet in practice the elected seldom even oppose the detail on which they are elected. eg Trump elected on anti-corruption (swamp) and anti-immigration (wall), Boris on Brexit - none of which have happened.

ToTheRightRon said...

Thank you Bruce. This whole period of "pandemic" and now "social unrest" has put the political in competition for my attention with the spiritual and transcendent. Lately I've found myself having a short fuse and being in a continual minor state of aggravation. Instead of being led astray by investing emotionally in the political I should be casting my cares upon God and trusting His plan for me. Now that the evilness of the world system has been so clearly revealed to us we should be focused on what changes God would have us make in our relationship to the world system.

A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself: but the simple pass on, and are punished.

Sean G. said...

@Bruce Trump is delivering to some degree on many promises. The wall is being built, manufacturing has seen a revival beyond my hopes(my line of work), he is aggressively pushing back on China, and greater than all of those things, he has severely damaged the credibility of the corporate news media.

Of course Trump is at heart a leftist and beyond his scope everything is getting significantly worse. None of his accomplishments amount to much more than making repairs on the Titanic as it heads for an iceberg. As long as God is rejected and Christians are punished and ostracized, the system is (and ought to be) doomed.

Bruce Charlton said...

@SG - I regard politics as a very simple business; nearly all politicians do net-nothing or (more often) make things worse (in line with the prevalent tred of the past 50 plus years).

The only politician in my lifetime in the UK that actually delivered on a *qualitative* promise was Margaret Thatcher, because she really did reverse decades of economic decline (which *everybody* said was impossible) Without her, the UK would have been a second world country in terms of standard of living by the 1990s. Although overall even she did harm by centralising power and encouraging materialism.

Trump has Not delivered on his core, qualitative promises; and I knew he would not on the day he was elected when he spun 180 degrees and 'endorsed' and praised HRC (even while she was trying to get the election overturned). None of the rest matters in a totalitarian world: the New Normal, the Great Reset.

I have a simple rule of thumb for evaluating all leaders - if nothing substantive has been done in the first two weeks (and that is being over-generous with time), nothing substantive ever will be done; because power to do good dwindles very rapidly after the immediate appointment.

But politics is so pervasively and deeply corrupt now that no good can be done without a great Christian Awakening that is further away than at any point since the the day of the crucifixion.

Bruce Charlton said...

Otto has left a comment :

It's interesting that Bruce mentioned "two weeks".

As Dutch member of parliament Geert Wilders has argued in a speech: "I tell you ... in two week's time, President Trump has passed an immigration policy that is more effective than that of your whole cabinet as long as it has existed! As long as it has existed! (Because within two weeks was when Trump implemented his notorious "Muslim Ban".)...

Bruce Charlton said...

@Otto - Put it another way, if Trump (or Boris) are seriously being argued to have made a difference; then clearly that kind of difference is utterly worthless because Look Around. Either way - why are we wasting our time discussing it?

Sean G. said...

@Bruce Trump would easily pass your rule of thumb from where I sit, but I have no desire to get into the weeds.

"But politics is so pervasively and deeply corrupt now that no good can be done without a great Christian Awakening that is further away than at any point since the the day of the crucifixion."

This is the critical point and why I have lost my taste for politics. I've been strongly considering disavowing politics and voting altogether. I did a word search for "voting" on your blog and found you had come to that conclusion awhile ago.

Bruce Charlton said...

@Sean - "Trump would easily pass your rule of thumb from where I sit" - that's because you've misunderstood the nature of genuine radically reversing political change; because you have never experienced it. I did, with Thatcher, and it is not something you can miss.

Sean G. said...

@Bruce If 'genuine radically reversing political change' is what you mean by substantive, than sure. I wouldn't even know how to quantify something like that. I was in a depressed and dying industry that is now thriving, which feels substantive to me. So I am biased, and yes, 35 with much less to compare to.

Jacob Gittes said...

I have decided to renounce voting. The main reason is to free myself spiritually from consenting to the 666 system.
By voting, you are basically agreeing to abide by the outcome of the election, and what seems to proceed from you. You are promising to say, spiritually, "I'm partly responsible for it, since I voted. I'm part of the general will that chose this."

It's all nonsense, of course. The system is rigged on many levels, from the voter fraud, to the way candidates are chosen, to the way successful politicians are compromised, blackmailed, threatened, and even assassinated at times. It's all a play, to convince the children in the audience that the play and puppets are real, and to ignore the puppet-masters.
I do not consent.

They are now taking down the statue of Teddy Roosevelt in front of the Natural History Museum that he help found.
Conservatives have conserved nothing.
The system is beyond dead - it's a living dead zombie that is now out to eat you spiritually, if not physically. And many are being eaten alive physically.

It's repulsive to participate in it. It's probably now outright evil to vote in anything but local elections. I'll still vote for the local sheriff, however.

Dynamic said...

If people of good will should cease wasting time on politics (and I wholeheartedly agree with this) how should they spend their time in order to (at least attempt to) make things better? Or is it too late?

Bruce Charlton said...

@D. That's what this blog is about.

Bruce Charlton said...

Comments are closed. The purpose of this post is that it is not worth expending thought and time on politics. If you are happy with the performance of our actually existing politicans and retain faith in the system that put them in place - given what has happened in 2020; then I don't see how any verbal argument would convince you otherwise. Just keep voting, voting, voting...