Thursday 12 March 2020

The challenge of these birdemic times - Doing the right thing, whatever

 The Jay - a beautiful corvid, with a harsh voice

Since the birdemic crisis seems to be unfolding almost exactly as the evil Establishment will have hoped - it is worth looking ahead to the primary spiritual challenges of the kind of global collapse which is, apparently, being prepared.

From the demonic perspective, a global collapse will kill astonishing numbers of people very quickly. I will focus on The West.

We have experienced many decades of social atomisation, our old group-ish-ness has been dismantled; modern Western people are mostly selfish, short-termist and unwilling to self-sacrifice for any reason.

Therefore, any possibility of people 'pulling together' - as with the 1939-45 war - is gone. People care little for their nation, their region, their town or village; they have no strong church; even the professions and trades unions have been busted, and traditional family firms have all-but gone.

Deeper than this, Godless materialism dictates that at the profound level of metaphysical assumptions modern Western people see no purpose or meaning to life; and just hope to get through it with the least suffering and most pleasure - again fuelling the short-termism and selfishness.

So - the world may collapse, and we will be effectively 'on our own' and facing impossible odds.

We must do it, each for himself, or else it won't be done.

The demonic temptation is to induce people to behave in an evil fashion in order to survive (albeit just a few more days or weeks). This is certainly how a lot of people are talking.

For serious Christians, this is not an option. If we are faced with the alternative of deliberate and real sin, or our own death (and we will each certainly know if or when such a situation arises) then I think we must assume that this is the divinely-appointed time of our death.

Of course we ought to do all legitimate and good things to survive - when motivated by the right reasons. But biological survival is not, ultimately, a sufficient reason.

And (on the other side) to die from despair is as much a sin as to murder the innocent for mere survival. Hope is a Christian commandment - and this entails our hope be rooted in Heavenly life everlasting. So long as it is, this hope is invincible.  

This time - Now - is a very personal test therefore; a test of our faith and trust in The Lord; a test of our love for Jesus. In one sense it is a very easy test - literally anybody can pass it, no matter how feeble he or she may be. We simply need to follow Jesus.

In another sense it may be difficult to die, when the time comes, and for the right reasons. I think we can be sure that the demonic powers will  be trying to make this as difficult as possible.


James Higham said...

From the demonic perspective, a global collapse will kill astonishing numbers of people very quickly. I will focus on The West.

As laid out in Revelation.

Karl said...

I agree, but think that this paragraph does not characterize most Westerners correctly:

"Deeper than this, Godless materialism dictates that at the profound level of metaphysical assumptions modern Western people see no purpose or meaning to life; and just hope to get through it with the least suffering and most pleasure - again fuelling the short-termism and selfishness."

Sure there is a lot of Godless materialism, but I encounter many people in my daily live who show a quasi-religious belief in equality, global warming, veganism etc.

I'm sure you have also met this SJW type. The do not appear to be materialist, rather I get the impression that they belong to some cult. There are fanatics apparently sacrificing material comforts like eating meat or driving a car

I think this is even worse than Godless materialism.

Bruce Charlton said...

@Karl. I don't regard them as self sacrificing, because they engage in relentless moral grandstanding - which gives them more short term pleasure (and often power, status, jobs) than meat or cars.

There is a general and profound demotivation in the West, which certainly includes SJWs. Many are so self hating that they operate close to suicide - as I think will become evident.

Jacob Gittes said...

Well, since I just met a virtuous woman who wants to homestead, I hope that we can survive to do that. The area I have in mind is full of people who, unbelievably, still go to church every Sunday at a community church where they also have a community meal every Sunday. The area is full of Mennonites, who have their own wonderful community, and who help there neighbors.

The area is so sparsely populated, that the only people who live here are... archaically connected to their neighbors, God and nature.

We shall see. I do find the current situation with the Corono Beer Virus to be fascinating. It's all such bullshit.

The local nursing home aka Cara Center just went into lockdown. So now none of the eldery and feeble inmates of the center will be able to receive family members and visitors. What's worse: possibly getting a virus, or being prevented from seeing those you most love?


Bruce Charlton said...

@Jake "What's worse: possibly getting a virus, or being prevented from seeing those you most love?"

Indeed. That people accept this kind of 'lockdown' thing, with no evidence it even *can* be effective (never having been done before), and the certainty that it will (in short order) kill *billions* (by bringing down the whole world infatructure, *obviously*) - is evidence of the depth of our spiritual corruption, our insanity.

The Establishment now know that the masses can be made to do this.

Meanwhile basic essential facts about age/ health/ race of victims are still withheld, and nobody notices. So the Establishment now know that can do this.

The conclusion seems to be that most of the world is ready to accept a (permanent) situation of continually increasing totalitarianism; and is indeed begging for it, at any price.

Ingemar said...

I've been telling whoever would listen on social media that even if the birdemic were a true superweapon designed to kill a billion or more people, that doesn't mean it's not a psyop (psychological operation). A psyop would work with a real or fake plague. In fact, David Icke very recently shared that the deadliness of the disease doesn't matter.

I have this sense that a not-insignificant minority of people out there realize this is a ploy but the frenzy has reached such a high level that fear of social stigmatization has lead them to self-censor. We're living out in real time what it was like to be a Christian during the early Soviet days.

Whenever I read about some aspect of the birdemic is designed to induce despair, and that the Asleep are pushing this news "because the scientific establishment said so," I remember that this is the same establishment that admits it can't reproduce its results--

...and yet we are to believe them when they say that the birdemic has turned every man, woman and child into a Typhoid Mary and that viral particles will persist in the atmosphere from now until the heat death of the universe. Come on.

Now that The People have demonstrated that they will lie prostrate and helpless because the Establishment politely asked them too (albeit prefaced with the threat of a murder of crows), one wonders how easily and brazenly that same Establishment will manipulate their lab mice in the future!!!

Bruce Charlton said...

@I - Good comment.

Epimetheus said...

I wonder if the Overlook might be shooting itself in the foot with this one. It's one thing to induce crushing existential despair and rage on a background of unending, dreary Lotus-chewing daily monotony. It's another thing entirely to torpedo the pillars of that monotony. It's that monotony that allows people to function in spite of unbelievable mental illness and addiction and disengagement. There's a possibility that - when the solid-seeming touchstones of daily survival sway in the wind - people will reach somewhere, anywhere, to find something solid. We'll be confronted by our will to live.

It would be an arch-angel level trick if the Overlook destabilizes the system in order to gain material power, only to destabilize their spiritual hold in the process. What if - on the eve of global totalitarian victory, the monster looks out on millions of people in spiritual pursuit? What if people start praying again? It will have all been for nothing, and it will have no-one to blame but itself.

Brandon said...

"Meanwhile basic essential facts about age/ health/ race of victims are still withheld, and nobody notices."

Could you explain this? I'm just curious, for my own information. What are these essential facts?

Bruce Charlton said...

@B What kind of people are getting very sick, typically? Are many/any youngish and fit people? Or are they nearly all old and with other health problems? Are the very sick cases mostly Chinese or E Asian?

Basic vital information.

Bruce Charlton said...

@E. I agree that this might happen.

However, so far, I don't yet feel it has yet happened. I think the reactions have usually been malign. Some surprising people have lost their marbles or wildly embraced the agenda of evil - from fear and social conformism.

A lot of Good Works self identified Christians are being led to hell by their social conformism, as has happened so often.

The will to live won't do it, it would need to be an orientation that saw beyond death. I think if it started to happen in a detectable fashion, the system would respond vigorously.