Monday 15 June 2020

Is it possible for a nation, for the world, to be taken-over - yet almost nobody notices?

William James Tychonievich ponders this question at his blog; using an example from the beginning section of The Book of Mormon; and the complementary section of 'Kings' from The Bible. I contribute a comment.

Note added: William summarised the situation very exactly in a comment: "We find it hard to believe that everyone could fall for an obvious lie -- and therefore, everyone falls for an obvious lie."


Gary said...

I think it is possible, yes, because it has happened!

I think, again, this has to do with the fact that the world, as most people understand it (i.e. as the media presents it) has become the system. So how could the system take over the system?

The only way you could notice this, is if you saw 2 worlds - the Real World, and the System, which stands aggressively opposed to it.

In short, that inability to percieve the takeover is a function of two almost simultaneous convergences: the convergence of consciousness with media content on the one hand, and the convergence of "reality" (as dictated by the media) with the system on the other.

It´s a different situation to that of the Jews with regards to Jerusalem. That seems to be more of a massive denial rooted in an erroneous religious interpretation. Similar, in some faint ways, but critically different from where we are now.

Bruce Charlton said...

@Gary - "The only way you could notice this, is if you saw 2 worlds - the Real World, and the System, which stands aggressively opposed to it."

Yes, good point.

Of course one can quite easily find alternative and more plausible explanations (closer to the real world) if one is open to them and makes the effort... But that's not going to happen.