...It seems something-like a glowing, golden orb that is floating in dark space - floating without perceptible attachment to society - or to any of the forms of 'information' and 'evaluation' such as the mass media, official systems, science etc...
I am now aware that whenever I partake of any aspect of The System (any aspect) I am being fed with an ideology - I am not getting information, not 'news' - and I am being drilled in mis-understanding.
This is so, so obvious - and more so every day! Real and important things are utterly absent - ignored, denied, mocked, demonised. Utterly fake things are fabricated and treated as the most important matters in the world. Known truth is inverted in so crude and blatant a fashion as to be breathtaking! - then these inversions treated as common sense assumptions, that 'everybody' knows...
The subject matter is irrelevant - all subjects are merely bait for us to engage with a system that is evil in its purposes and methods.
It is hard to grasp this high prevalence of evil and its pervasiveness in public communications; hard to grasp the degree of blindness (self-blinding) of so many people to this fact.
My first reaction to this, is a sense of being cut-off from goodness. To ask how can I know? How can I evaluate, without help; instead with active hindrance everywhere?
...That was when the golden orb picture arose, and what made it glow was divine 'knowledge'.
When The System is so fully and obviously evil, it becomes much easier (and indeed more simply 'rational') to disengage, to ignore (rather than to engage and try to discern what is valid).
I sometimes find myself very curious about what is 'going on', or what 'it all means' - and in the past I would have sought-out an 'authoritative' and honest source of information and interpretation...
But now I know-for-sure that no such source exists.
I know-for-sure that the sources which purport to do this 'for me', are simple propaganda units for Satan.
I know - because I see it in their eyes - that the great mass of people in public and in public life, are agents of Satan - doing Satan's will whether as dead-eyed automata (mostly), or snake-eyed psychopaths.
I also know that God will never leave me bereft of that knowledge and understanding which I need to live My life as best it should be led.
This implies that my addictive craving to have opinions about what 'people' should do about 'issues' needs to be set aside. God has catered for my actual life and its actual scope; but does not provide me with group ideologies about what great masses of people (about whom I know nothing) ought to be doing...
I have often considered the several sources of divine guidance - God the Father as creator, who arranges my life and circumstances to bring the experiences I need; the Holy Ghost as my personal relationship with the ascended Jesus Christ - all around me all the time; that which is divine in my Self - my inheritance as a son of God.
There is no shortage of knowledge and understanding to deal with everything real that happens to me.
(On the other hand, there is no possibility at all of 'dealing with' a fire-hose deluge of 'news' and the supposed interests of millions of 'other people' - except by imbibing the System-approved attitudes and opinions along with the News. Which is simply imbibing evil: 24/7.)
Situations arise, and we know what is right to do; know this for our-selves and our situation. And knowing what is right is The Main Thing.
Doing the right thing may not be possible, we may lack the courage. But we can always know it.
More often, however, it is the opposite. We dwell in a sea of evil, including evil-serving people; yet there is near zero awareness of the fact; and the pervasive value-inversion means that the most evil-serving people are the most moralistic.
As well as the most powerful, influential, high status...
In such a situation our primary duty seems to be: consciousness of evil.
This does Not mean dwelling-upon, thinking-about, engaging-with evil. What it Does mean is that we need to know evil as evil; and we need to know this consciously and explicitly.
In a core sense, I understand this knowing-of-evil to be itself Christian repentance.
But the point I am trying to make is that if it is true that this world is one in which there is a System that is intrinsically evil in its workings (which are materialist-atheist-leftist); and furthermore the System as-a-whole is being manipulated into greater and greater purposive evil... Then (to live well) we must be able to discern this fact - both in general, and specifically.
Since we are being soaked in a marinade of evil; if we are passive and unconscious of the fact - we can hardly avoid absorbing this evil, can hardly avoid becoming assimilated to it.
So there needs to be a known contrast between our recognition of environmental and pervasive evil on the one hand; and an active awareness of the sources of Good on the other.
It can - indeed - be a beautiful thing to experience this very direct and autonomous sense of the presence and power of the divine; shining-out (like a golden orb) in an ocean of darkness...
Beautiful also to discern other glowing lights in the darkness, with which we may experience an immediate and direct link.