Supposing you believe you are a Christian, but just fail just one of the 2020 Litmus Tests - for example the commonest failure, which is the birdemic?
(But an analogous argument applies to all the other Tests, mutatis mutandis.)
But surely (you say) if I self-identify as a Christian, and I want to stay a Christian - why shouldn't I be able to do this? Surely Christianity is one thing and politics is another thing?
Well, in an abstract, reductionist and theoretical way - yes you can do this; in the sense that it is not rationally-impossible.
But here and now, as of 2021, you won't do this. If you accept the birdemic narrative, you will not stay Christian.
Firstly because in believing-in the birdemic, you are believing in The System: you are buying-into the narrative of the Global Establishment, officialdom and the mass media.
You are passively-accepting your dominant world view from Them.
Therefore you have already surrendered your conscience and your discernment.
But even if you somehow manage to negotiate this; the birdemic is tightly-integrated into - is indeed the primary rationale and justification-for, the totalitarian coup of early 2020 and its strategy of Big Lies, omni-surveillance, micro-control; its fake-response of lock-down-social-distancing-masking; its PSYOPS of fuelling compulsory untruthfulness, fear, resentment and despair; its (rotating) single issue mode of thinking where anything and everything can-and-should be sacrificed to the (Establishment defined and propagated) birdemic project.
Therefore, in actual practice (never mind the abstract logic), if you were a Christian before the birdemic; you will not be a Christian if you fail that Litmus Test.
You will not be motivated to oppose the permanent prohibition and eradication of all Christian social activities.
You will not even be able to resist supporting purposive strategic evil in your own mind - since you have placed the choice of following Jesus Christ as a lower priority than the birdemic; you have subordinated Jesus to the Establishment; and the Establishment is evil. ...
The Establishment is evil in the precise sense of being on the side of Satan against God - indeed, being dominated by Satan and the demons.
(And if you can't perceive this staggeringly obvious and explicit reality - then you are already on the dark side.)
Hence, by making the wrong political choices, by failing one or more Litmus Tests, you have already made your choice against Him.
However it may have been in the past or in other places; as of 2021 Bad Politics kills Christianity.