Friday 15 January 2021

"Yes, the world is going to Hell - but what can I Do about it?"

"What can I do about X?"

This kind of question is much asked - with much affectation of hand-wringing concern; but without honesty or intent. Because behind such a question lies a framework of assumptions that excuse the asker from doing anything At All. 

One assumption is that there is an It which - if done - would set everything right (or, at least, rolling the the right direction); secondly the assumption that this It could be done by Me

So the asker is asking something like: "What single thing ought I to do, that I really could do, that would decisively fix the problems of the world?"

And when they do not receive such an answer - then this is taken to mean that they need do... Nothing. At. All.

(Which means, in practice, never saying or acting in any way that is inexpedient to them over the short term, or might upset anyone who has power to hurt them - or indeed anything that might offend or annoy anyone in their social circle.) 

And here we have the basis of a helpful answer. Because the answer to "What can I do about it?" is that there are innumerable small things that can be done on the side of Good which resist and push-against evil. 

So many things as to be uncountable. And operating at many levels. With many possible good outcomes (but none of them 'guaranteed').  

In fact - the first thing that can be done is to cease actively-supporting the Hell Agenda by innumerable expressions, words and deeds; on a daily/ hourly/ minute-by-minute basis... 

Even though such expressions, words and deeds are socially sub-optimal. 

(That, in itself, is a great deal more than most people are doing.) 

More profoundly and spiritually; try to think with clarity and truth about things. This means noticing, challenging, and working to break your own bad habits of evil-aligned, Satan-supporting thinking.

(For example the practice of constructing excuses for evil; explaining it away, attributing non-evil motives. This behaviour is very, very common; almost automatic for some people - especially women.) 

And make your-self, thereby, a potential conduit for divine help; because God can do good in this world only when there are Men who are open to his guidance

Be one of those Men. 

And for modern adults; to seek and be open to God's guidance, with intent to follow such guidance; in those innumerable daily acts by which one aligns either with the divine side, or the demonic side, in the spiritual war of this world.

What can you do? What should you do? 

Make it possible for God to do good through you.

Leaving to God all strategic plans; including The Big Plan of coordinating all his dedicated helpers into an effective force for a good outcome.

You personally cannot fix the world; but you can (in ways that you cannot foreknow) become a vital part of the work by which the world starts getting fixed.