Friday, 20 March 2020

Living in a lunatic asylum - being moved into the acute ward

I've felt for quite a while - since before I wrote Thought Prison, for sure - that I was living in an asylum for the chronically deluded; but more recently it's as if I have been moved into the locked ward for severe emergency admissions.

I am used-to chronic, low-grade, delusional systems (materialism, New Leftism, Climate Emergency, the trans- agenda etc). But now the world is gripped by unreasoning, abject, unconstrained terror of a trivial birdemic.

Even more weirdly; there truly is a real and lethal physical crisis upon us (by far the worst for three generations), which will (if present trends continue to escalate) fairly quickly kill billions - which is the global totalitarian takeover, shut-down and isolation. The deliberate stepwise collapse of the world system of production and distribution.

But in this inverted world; the true danger is one that the masses are begging to have more of, faster, more severely...

The fact that this time (the time of Antichrist - as a concept if not as a person) is long-planned by the powers of evil also means it has long been anticipated by God. This further means that (for Christians, followers of Jesus) there is a path-through whatever will happen to each of us - and treading this path we can each learn much that will be valuable and helpful for our eternal life to come.

It is inaccurate to regard our mortal life as a 'test'; life is best understood as a series of experiences from-which we ought-to learn.

Not that there is a single, planned path through a predetermined unfolding of The World, which we passively must follow - not at all. This is a world that Men co-create with God, by our agency.

But if we are alert and aware to the guidance of the Holy Ghost (that is: the spirit of the risen Jesus Christ) we will always be able to know what to do, here-and-now, at the time when it ought-to-be done.

Of course this is the case! We are living in God's creation, and God is always present in his creation. However, because we are free beings; we each need to intitiate, recognise and consciously accept divine contact in order to receive this guidance.

All of this absolutely requires that we (each one of us) are living our lives in light of the love of God (his creation, its purposes, the values of his creation); and our choice to follow The Good Shepherd through death to resurrected Life Everlasting in Heaven.

But if a person is Not living in such faith - if he is Not living with the expectation (hope) of such an eternal outcome as Heaven... If a person is Not living such that love is his priority... If a person is not repenting and repudiating other sinful motivators such as fear, resentment and despair whenever they arise (and they do arise)...

In brief: if a person does not believe, want and embrace that which Christ offers, then clearly he shall not be aiming in the right direction to get this; he will not even want to tread the path to salvation and theosis provided by God.

In sum, such a not-Christian person will not be wanting what God has provided and made possible for us. Therefore he will not get it.

This, at least, I am finding - day by day. Although I am prone to wobbles - lapses and decompensations; so long as these are recognised, repented and repudiated; I find that I am experiencing an incrementally increasing clarity about what I personally need to do (in my exact, moment-by-moment situation) and how to do it.

As the insanity and evil increases acceleratingly all around me; the contrast with, and distinction from, goodness and reality becomes easier and easier to discern. It gets simpler to recognise and reject the prevalent lies and delusions.

This bad and worsening experience has therefore led (despite several zag-zags and nasty lapses) to a stronger and deeper faith; as God has ensured will be possible, for all who want what God is offering.